do business on one's own account (to...) câu
do something on one's own
to do something on one’s own;to do something on one's own — làm việc gì tự ý mình to do something on one’s own;to do something on one's ...

of one’s own
afraid of one’s own shadow: quá nhát gan, sợ bóng sợ gió. 018 afraid of one’s own shadow: quá nhát gan, sợ bóng sợ gió. Từ và Thành ngữ ...

on one's own
Inability to breathe on one's own without assistance (C1-C4)Không có khả năng tự thở, cần sự trợ giúp từ máy (C1-C4) to do something on...

at one's own risk
The stairs at Black's Beach are in disrepair, so use at one's own risk.Cầu thang ở bãi biển của Black là trong hư hỏng, vì vậy sử dụng...

at one's own sweet will
Were mingling at their own sweet willa sweet toil việc vất vả nhưng thích thú !at one's own sweet will Answer: By His Own Sweet Willa sw...

get one's own back
In other words, something inside us, the feeling of resentment, the feeling that wants to get one's own back, must simply be killed.Nói...

have one's own way
to have one's own way to do what one wantsto have one's own way làm theo ý muốn; muốn gì được nấy to have one's own way to do what one ...

in one's own (proper) person
For himself; in his own behalf; in person; in one's own (proper) person đích thân; bản thân In Propria Persona - In his/her ow...

off one's own bat
off one's own batthi đấu với ai !off one's own bat off one's own batthi đấu với ai !off one's own bat

one's own efforts
We believe that it is only through one's own efforts that success is possible.Chúng ta tin rằng chỉ có nỗ lực mới có thành công. To fa...

one’s own father
In the Japanese language, “Chichi” refers to one’s own father, while “otousan” refers to someone else’s father."Chichi" được sử dụng kh...

paddle one's own canoe
paddle one's own canoeđi chập chững (trẻ con) !to paddle one's own canoe paddle one's own canoeđi chập chững (trẻ con) !to paddle one's...

stand on one's own legs
To stand on one's own legsTự lực cánh sinh: stand on one’s own legs "It's fine, my good woman, when one can stand on one's own legs ag...

take one's own course
To take one's own coursedĩ nhiên, đương nhiên, tất nhiên !to take one's own course To take one's own coursedĩ nhiên, đương nhiên, tất n...

take one's own life
The destruction of one's self; self-murder; take one's own life: Tự tử, tự sát, tự vẫn. take one’s own life: to kill oneselfT...

take one’s own life
take one’s own life: to kill oneselfTo take one's own life: Tự vận We also found that the tendency to take one’s own life following st...

the victim of one's own ambition
She’s a victim of her own ambition.the victim of one's own ambition — là nạn nhân của tham vọng của chính mình Well, my friend, it is a ...

make a rod for one's own back
make a rod for one's own backMake a rod for one’s own back — Gậy ông đập lưng ông make a rod for one's own backGậy ông đập lưng ông:...

do business
We could do business. We'll get you rich!Chúng ta có thể bàn chuyện buôn bán, các anh sẽ giàu có. Hey, man, I'm trying to do business ...

one's own gaden and the next one are separated by a wall
After all, your apartment and the next one is separated by walls.Vườn nhà và bên cạnh có một cái tường ngăn cách One's own gaden and the...

one-man business
Dorm Room Ramit was a one-man "business" who didn't sell anything.Dorm Room Ramit là một “doanh nghiệp” một người không bán bất cứ thứ ...

do big business
So do not do big business in these years.Đừng tính chuyện làm ăn lớn vào các tháng giữa năm. But they still continue to do big busines...

do business with somebody
Barbara Corcoran People want to do business with somebody they like.MARK CUBAN Ai cũng muốn làm kinh doanh với người mình thích. do mak...

you have no business to do that
You do not have permission to do this You do not have permission to do thisyou have no business to do that: anh không có quyền làm như v...

do one's best
One must do one's bestOne must do one’s best (Người ta phải làm hết sức mình) One has to do one's best.One must do one’s best (Người t...